What is cerebellar hypoplasia?
Cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) is a developmental condition in which the part of the brain that controls movement, balance and coordination fails to develop properly. Although it occurs in many animals, it is most commonly seen in cat and dogs. In cats, the syndrome is also known as "wobbly cat syndrome", "drunken kitty syndrome", or "bobble-head kitty syndrome".
CH is not infectious or painful.
Degrees of Severity
Animals with mild CH are very capable. They require little to no extra care, although some modifications to the living area may be helpful.
Useful Modifications/Supplies
MODERATE Animals with moderate CH can get around without help. The tail and head ends of the body may appear to be doing different things. A modified living area may be necessary to prevent injuries from falls. Some assistance in accomplishing essential tasks may be helpful or necessary.
Useful Modifications/Supplies
SEVERE Animals with severe CH cannot stand up or walk without help. Significant modifications to the living area are required to prevent injuries and to accomplish essential tasks.
Useful Modifications/Supplies